Welcome to the league's caste system.
A plight of Primal Instinct, for a long time, has been disagreement between users about whose cat could beat the other one up. Who is /really/ at the top of the league's food chain? This caste system consists of 4 classes, all of which require a substantial amount of effort to get to.
- Points may only be applied to one (1) character at a time. In interactions within the league, such as fights, the cat with the higher number of points will win unless otherwise plotted.
- There is a LOT of room within each class to earn points, and this is because moving up a class is seen as a momentous occasion that does not happen often, if at all.
- The classes are also seen as social divisions; essentially, the cats with higher points are seen as superior.
- Staff characters will start off at class two with 750 points, and the Nemesis is a class three with 1500 points, and all must earn their way up from there.
NOTES: This caste system will be implemented universally within Primal Instinct. Every user must have their characters abide by this system, meaning that no Untouchable will ever beat an Emergent, nor will any Emergent ever defeat a Renowned, UNLESS it is privately plotted between the users. However, this is not granting higher ranking users permission to god-mode: you /must/ obtain permission to permanently injure or kill a cat of lower class; you will only win the battle. In addition, if you do rp a cat of a higher class, please do not have your cat constantly whipping the tails of cats who don't want any trouble. This kind of abuse of power can merit demotion of a class.
- In no way will you be forced to roleplay your character as respectful/fearful of a higher class, however, for logical roleplay, it would make more sense for your character to be more careful around a higher ranking cat who could hypothetically kick your butt.
Winners in same-class fights will be determined by the character's point count. Higher ranking cats will always win against lower ranks unless plotted.
CLASS ONE -- Untouchable [ 0 - 499 ]Every cat will begin at this level as a default, except staff characters. These are the basic cats of the league. A fight between two untouchables is essentially a fair fight, although the cat with the higher number of points will be the winner unless otherwise plotted between the users.
CLASS TWO -- Emergent [ 500 - 999 ]These cats are more likely to be selected as mentors, patrol leaders, or assigned special missions. They have established themselves within the league and can be intimidating to talk to. An Emergent will automatically win against an Untouchable unless otherwise plotted. This is the highest rank that most league cats will ever reach.
CLASS THREE -- Renowned [ 1000 - 1999 ]These cats are the elite. They have proven themselves to the Nemesis and are trusted with maintaining order with the Untouchables and the Emergents. These cats will oftentimes, and have every justification to, look down upon the lower classes. They are the best of the best at fighting and hunting, they have trained harder than the rest. Renowned will always win against an Emergent or an Untouchable unless otherwise plotted.
CLASS FOUR -- Legend [ 2000+ ]The cats of the Legend class are unheard of. It is the most difficult caste rank to achieve, and for good reason. These cats have a heightened ability to kill and will win any fight against a cat of a lower class. Legends are the ones even the Nemesis may feel unease around. Legends status carries above most other titles, royal blood, or status. Legends will always win against a Renowned, Emergent, or Untouchable unless otherwise plotted.
- Points may only be applied to ONE character at a time. To earn your points, you must respond to this thread with links to what you did and how many points needed to be added. FOR EXAMPLE:
Username: xx.sapphire
Applying to: Vera E'tani
[ 10 ] Added 2 cats to the joining thread
[ 13 ] Replied 13 times on this thread: [ link ]
{ WHAT MERITS POINTS? } *threads must be on the PI page to count
* = you must apply these points to the cat you used in the roleplay
[ 1 ] point for every roleplay reply to a thread in Primal Instinct.
[ 3 ] points for every roleplay reply to a league-wide thread; i.e. plot, rally, battle, ceremonies, etc.
[ 3 ] points for creating a roleplay thread in Primal Instinct
[ 3 ] points for each week you contribute to Primal Instinct *new
[ 5 ] points for adding a character to the PI joining thread
[ 10 ] points for creating a kitting thread in Primal Instinct. (CONDITIONAL: the majority of the kits must be claimed and added to the joining thread by the users before you earn the pts!)
[ 10 ] points for creating a roleplay thread in Primal Instinct that acquires 50 replies (must have consistent participation)
*[ 10 ] points for defeating/killing a cat outside of PI (CONDITIONAL: roleplay thread must be completed)
*[ 15 ] points for defeating a cat with the same or more points than your cat (CONDITIONAL: roleplay thread must be completed)
[ 20 ] points for creating a roleplay thread in Primal Instinct that acquires 100 replies (must have consistent participation)
*[ 25 ] points for defeating a cat of a higher class (CONDITIONAL: roleplay thread must be completed)
*[ 50 ] points for killing a cat of a higher class (CONDITIONAL: roleplay thread must be completed)
*[ 100 ] points upon promotion for earning 350 pts as a youngling or 750 pts as a trainee.
*[ 500 ] points for defeating a Legend class cat (CONDITIONAL: roleplay thread must be completed)
*[ -20 ] points if your character is defeated by a cat with lower points, but same class. (Only done with your permission)
*[ -50 ] points if your character is defeated by a cat of a lower class. (This is a trade off, as the lower cat will gain half the points you lost. This is done only with the higher rank's permission.)
[ -ALL ] points if your cat is deleted in an activity check for non response. These points CAN NOT be recovered, even if you re-add your cat.
*[ -1500 ] points for Legend cats who are defeated by a lesser rank. (Can be done only with your permission. This will more than likely mean loss of Legend class status.)
[ VARIES ] You will lose a variable amount of points if you are found to be spamming for points (i.e. adding ten 1-line bios to the joining thread or creating 10 threads with only a ten word sentence) or abusing privileges as a higher rank (i.e. excessively slamming into threads with unprovoked attacks just to beat them).
{ FAQ }
1. CAN I TRANSFER POINTS BETWEEN MY CHARACTERS? // YES, you may now transfer points between characters. *new
2. WHAT DO I DO IF A CAT OF A LOWER CLASS WON'T ALLOW ME TO DEFEAT THEM? // Message me regarding any conflict between users over this system. If someone is not complying with the system, I will speak to them in order to resolve it.
3. I DON'T WANT TO PARTICIPATE. WHAT NOW? // All cats in Primal Instinct, by default, are in the Untouchables class. If you choose not to add any points to your character, the only time this will affect them is in battle interactions with other cats in the league. You are not obligated to participate, but you will be expected to honor the system in these battle interactions. In other words, your cat would probably just never win an unplanned fight.
4. IF I ROLEPLAY [CAT A] IN THE THREAD I APPLY FOR POINTS WITH, DO THE POINTS HAVE TO BE APPLIED TO [CAT A]? // It depends. As long as you as a user are contributing, you can decide which cat you apply your points to, regardless of who is being roleplayed in the threads for certain merits (see "What Merits Points" section). All options denoted by a * indicate that you have to apply the points to the cat you used in that specific roleplay.
5. HOW DOES THE CASTE SYSTEM APPLY TO YOUNGLINGS AND TRAINEES? // Younglings may only earn a maximum of 350 points, and despite these points, will still not be an auto win against trainees or hunters with less points. Trainees may earn a maximum of 750 points and ARE able to defeat hunters/younglings with less points! If you do reach these max point levels while your cat is a kit/trainee, then you receive a bonus of 100pts at the ceremony.
6. CAN INITIATES EARN POINTS? (Prisoners/Sunwalkers/Nightwalkers) // No.
Applying to: [cat name]
[ # ] - reason
[ # ] - reason
TOTAL: # pts to add
- Try to have at least 20 points before trying to add them. That way, there is less clutter on this thread.
--- You need to link each thread you claim points to.