Warrior Cat Clans 2 (WCC2 aka Classic) is a roleplay site inspired by the Warrior series by Erin Hunter. Whether you are a fan of the books or new to the Warrior cats world, WCC2 offers a diverse environment with over a decade’s worth of lore for you - and your characters - to explore. Join us today and become a part of our ongoing story!
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11.06.2022 The site has been transformed into an archive. Thank you for all the memories here!
Here on Classic we understand that sometimes life can get difficult and we struggle. We may need to receive advice, vent, know that we are not alone in our difficult times, or even just have someone listen to what's going on in our lives. In light of these times, we have created the support threads below that are open to all of our members at any time.
It was a bright, sunny morning when Peachstar decided it was finally time to tackle The Goose Problem. No longer would the goose be allowed to roam DayClan's territory and terrorise the Clan--it all ended today. If the mission was successful, anyway. Which it would be, if all the positive affirmations Peachstar had been doing for the past week did their job.
Peachstar scanned the camp, looking for the perfect victim person to take with him. Preferably a maverick or a forsaken, just because he sort of felt like they were more expendable than the other warriors. Finally, he spotted the perfect companion. "Pastelchaos!" he called, padding over to the tom. "It's goose-huntin' day!"
Pastelchaos wouldn't have liked to know that Peachstar picked him because he was expendable. He might have pursed his lip and pretended to cry. But, since he had no idea about the leader's complete intentions, instead he found himself grinning. Peachstar picked him because it had been too long since their last adventure, he decided. He let out a purr at his summons, trotting over with a skip in his step. A goose could probably kick his ass.
"Goose huntin?" he asked, his tail flicking in anticipation. "Haven't been on one of those in a while. Well, haven't been on any sort of hunting trip for a while. You know your goal of putting me in the position to do some work? Not sure how well that's workin' out for you," he teased the other, offering him a flick on his shoulder. "Should I get the body armor? Do we have a sword of some sort? Goosies can be a lil mean."
Peachstar shrugged. "Not this goose," he said, "because we are going to treat this goose with so much love and affection that it simply will have no idea what to do with itself, and have no choice but to vacate the premises." Yes, that was exactly what was going to happen. "By StarClan, it's good to finally get out of my den. I feel so much...fresher, so much more clear-headed. Weird."
tagging fox before they head out to bring the goose home just bc i said you could join in LMAO
Rosy was entering the camp just as they were leaving, his jaws full of flowers and herbs. As soon as he saw the leader and his apprentice, he dropped them in the dirt and beamed at them. “Wow, yeah, that is weird!” he agreed, immediately falling in step beside Peachstar and tagging along without being invited or even knowing where they were going. “You look so much fresher, too. As in like, you’ve got DRIP. Those silver hairs are really doing wonders for your whole look. Platonically.”
The camera swept back from the three cats, staying close to the ground — it swept backwards through the camp entrance, through the undergrowth, across the meadows, until finally, slowly, the music building, rising… it turned around.
The antagonist stood atop a hill, its feathers ruffling in the warm breeze, its eyes steely.
"Aww, but if we're going to be nice to him, why can't we keep him? If we train him right, he can be our new pet," he meowed with a flick of his tail. He was going to continue with his monologue, a similar monologue that every six year old gave when trying to convince their mom to give them a puppy for Christmas, before he was interrupted by his mentor. His ear twitched. Did Rosy have some sort of sixth sense about when he and Peachstar were together? There was a part of him that liked that idea, the idea that Rosy was so invested in the life of he and his best friend. It made him feel important.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," he meowed, a hint of amusement in his gaze. "I wouldn't go that far. Now, don't get me wrong, I like a good silver fox as much as the rest of us, but Peachy, it's gotten excessive," he meowed with a grin and a flick of the leader's shoulder. "SunClan used to color their pelts with mud, maybe before it gets too bad you should think about doing that too." He offered as wink, before shrugging.
“A pet goose?” Rosy exclaimed. “But we already have the pet horse!” Then he paused. “Everyone else knows about the horse, right? Like there really is a horse? It’s not just like— like, there IS a horse.” He looked between them with increasing desperation. “Everyone can see the horse walking behind us. It’s not just me. Whatever happened to us the other day isn’t happening again.” The three cats and the horse behind them continued to walk along.
As Pastelchaos discouraged Peachstar’s silver-foxiness, Rosy sulked. SunClan used to colour their pelts with mud. He smiled evilly, and if he could’ve, he would’ve been tapping his paw toes together. Eh-heh-heh, he would’ve said, in a high, witchy voice, all hunched over himself, yess, be a very dirty boy. But he didn’t, because he wasn’t insane. He just said it to himself instead, like a normal person.
Ready to rock - n - roll? “Aw man, I love rock ‘n roll!” he said, because he thought Peachstar was old enough that he would’ve dug 70s music and so he pretended to as well. “Let’s do it! Yeah!! Wow! Uh-huh!”
"If you guys keep implying that I'm old I'm legitimately going to start brainstorming ways to kill myself again," Peachstar declared. "And yes, the horse isn't just a figment of your imagination--though for a moment I thought he was a figment of mine. Does it have a name, Rosyclementine?" He turned to look behind him. "Do you have a name, Sir Horse?"
“Hoarsehoof,” the horse neighed, tossing his head.
“Hoarsehoof,” Rosyclementine told Peachstar earnestly, padding along. He dropped his voice. “His wife just left him so he’s a little…” He turned the corners of his mouth down and put on a sulky voice. “Sad.” He looked back at Hoarsehoof. “Don’t worry, big guy. We’ll find you a cute horse guy or gal. Maybe after we’ve vanquished the goose we’ll swing by the farm and find a real hottie.” I wish the two hotties with me right now would notice me, Rosy sighed to himself sadly. But which two hotties did he mean?
Peachstar frowned. "Disturbing!" he said, somehow reading Rosyclementine's mind. "But anyway, we have to press on and fight this goose. I mean, love this goose. Love it out of the territory."
The quartet continued until they reached the meadow, a place in DayClan which definitely existed all this time. "There," he said, pointing to the avian silhouette atop the hill in the distance. "Rosyclementine. Pastelchaos. Hoarsehoof. A wise man once told me these words--run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!" He paused. "He died the very next day because he was horribly sick and dying, but I think he had some good ideas."
this is what i imagine in the background as they’re walking, with a rolling scenery backdrop that cycles through the same trees and they’re not really moving
As Pastelchaos could not mysteriously read Rosyclementine's mind, he thought that Peachstar was talking about the newest member of their patrol. "Well that's not very nice. Hoarsehoof is... lovely," he objected. "The opposite of disgusting, really!" His ear twitched, mostly oblivious to the various dynamics that were going on between the cats. "Sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you," he then added as an after thought.
As Peachstar went on, the tom's eyebrow raised a little. "If we are planning on loving this dude out of our territory, don't you think that's... a little intense? I love a good goose chase as much as the next guy, but if you get us killed, I swear to god I'm never going to let you live it down." His whiskers twitched, glancing over to Rosyclementine. "Right? He's being a little intense? Or am I reading into things too much?" He wasn't sure. He was never sure about much of anything when he was around these two. Not that he particularly minded anymore. Although the first few weeks had been... stressful, to say the least, trying to keep up, he had come to decide that he was just going to let go and let... StarClan or wha. Nothing about this weird territory made sense, so he might as well lean into it. It was a lot more fun when he pretending that things weren't bat crap crazy here. If he decided it was a big game, just rolled with whatever punches that came along with hanging out with these two, he'd be happier.
"Shouldn't we be saying something like .... uh.... help me out here... Anything but that."
Peachstar was about to make a very biting and witty comment to Pastelchaos, but then he saw that the goose had somehow moved about thirty feet closer to them in the blink of an eye. He frowned. Could geese really be that fast, or had Pastelchaos just done a reeeeeeeally long reply? "I think it can hear us," he murmured, watching as the goose waddled even closer. It regarded the four of them with a baleful stare, wings spread wide, then suddenly hissed and lunged for one of Hoarsehoof's front legs.
Rosy had been smiling at Pastelchaos the entire time, looking him in the eye. When he asked him the question, though, he just went on staring for a few moments before saying, very cheerfully, “huh?”
And then the goose was attacking. Hoarsehoof reared and neighed in fury, brandishing his killing hooves in the air, but luckily he came equipped with a en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergmann_MG_15nA_machine_gun on his left side and a en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/7,62_ITKK_31_VKT (the primary anti-aircraft machine gun of the Finnish Army during World War II, designed by Aimo Lahti) on his right side. He was a robot horse. He began to open fire.
Rosy screamed and flattened himself to the ground, covering his ears. Thank goodness they had an anti-aircraft weapon to fell the goose, because it could fly. You see.
"Hoarsehoof, stop! We're supposed to be loving this thing out of the territory, not riddling it with bullet holes!" Peachstar screamed, but he was too cowardly to stop the bloodthirsty horse from absolutely destroying the goose. Except...the goose wasn't dying? It was growing larger, and its' eyes were glowing red?! What the hell?!?!?!
“Jeez this goose is hard to kill,” Rosy commented, shielding his eyes against the scorching sun and peering at it across the field. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple. “We’ve been firing at it for nigh on two months and nothing.”
Peachstar peered up from over the trench he'd built himself. "Yes, quite right," he said, "in the time we've spent trying to kill the damned thing my paw's gone and rotted off from trench foot. Where is that blasted Pastelchaos, anyway? He said he'd only be five minutes and he's been gone for two weeks! You don't think..." He shared a conspiratorial look with Rosyclementine. "...You don't think the goose got him, do you? S-surely not..."
And then, there was a crash of thunder in the distance and a puff of smoke. He had gotten quite bored of their fight, and had subsequently made his exit soon after they arrived to have some other zany adventure. This time, he'd learned magic. This would be s helpful skill. "Do not fear, for I have returned," he meowed powerfully, striding up. He was wearing a Catwarts tee shirt. "I really hoped you would have figured this out by now."