Warrior Cat Clans 2 (WCC2 aka Classic) is a roleplay site inspired by the Warrior series by Erin Hunter. Whether you are a fan of the books or new to the Warrior cats world, WCC2 offers a diverse environment with over a decade’s worth of lore for you - and your characters - to explore. Join us today and become a part of our ongoing story!
News & Updates
11.06.2022 The site has been transformed into an archive. Thank you for all the memories here!
Here on Classic we understand that sometimes life can get difficult and we struggle. We may need to receive advice, vent, know that we are not alone in our difficult times, or even just have someone listen to what's going on in our lives. In light of these times, we have created the support threads below that are open to all of our members at any time.
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: racer Your Compliment: I will forever be grateful for you pulling me into all your shenanigans. You have so many wonderful and glorious plots, I remember being blown away by Goldenstar and Hazelthroat's brutal finale. I never would've imagined that my boy Skipstep would find himself with their daughter, Littlestar as his wife. You come up with the best plots and I love every pair we've got, Pumpkinking and Fallingleaves, and now Tenebrousrequiem and Ferventprayer. (Whom I hope will be able to get some reprieve from SunClan's drama and possibly kits in the future XP). I always enjoy roleplaying with you. But beyond that you're dedicated and committed to helping people improve, your working hard to preserve classic history. You run coding nights to try and help get everyone up to speed. You're an absolute blessing to have on Classic. Keep being amazing <3 Cupcake Flavor: Red Velvet Fur Type: Long Frosting: Cotton Candy Fruit: Raspberry Treat: cookie Sprinkle: hearts Reference Link of Cat: i.pinimg.com/474x/24/03/c9/2403c9e939dd8dd8e99ffdd99974047a.jpg Cats Name: Ferventprayer
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: sunlight Your Compliment: Knowing you has been an absolute blast, from our rps to our three hour gaming sessions to the daily chaos that is our friendship! Thank you for always being kind, understanding, and the best version of yourself; I consider myself very lucky to have found such a fantastic friend in you, and I can't wait until the Alliey takeover can happen one day irl and we can take the world by storm > You're my most beautiful bestie, I love ya 🧡 Cupcake Flavor: Chocolate Fur Type: Long Frosting: Blue moon Fruit: Raspberry Treat: Chocolate Sprinkle: Pearls Reference Link of Cat: m.imgur.com/rtPU1uX Cats Name: Orchiddrop
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: Stark Dude, I just had to give you a cupcake to. I love staying up and chatting with you on voice call and talking about coding, movie, or whatever else comes up. You make it easy to talk for hours, and better yet you know just the right buttons to push to make laugh uncontrollably. I love the changes you have done to moon and I can't wait to see how it goes <3 Cupcake Flavor: red velvet Fur Type: Long Frosting: strawberry Fruit: strawberry Treat: Lollipop Sprinkle: Pearls Reference Link of Cat: images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/NdFFJUsG-yW_Byv3itJqzAoVq_vGuCeHGjc8I3WSvfM/https/excitedcats.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Ragdoll-Cat.jpg?width=726&height=656 Cats Name: Satinlights
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: Stardance Your Compliment: Dude, you're a really good writer. I love stalking your threads just because I love the plot twists. I'm really excited to see what crazy plots you and I can come up with together and I'm so glad you said yes to being my deputy, I know you're going to kill it. Cupcake Flavor:Vanilla Fur Type: short Frosting: Lavander Fruit: blueberry Treat: cookie Sprinkle:pearls Reference Link of Cat: cdn.flamp.ru/f6665701f3c41cc141c27c9f60aea74b_1920.jpg Cats Name: Nightfury
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: pluto Your Compliment: Thank you for always reminding me to do my Miki daily, I really appreciate it! I know we don't talk much outside of that, but I really do like having you around, you've got a good sense of humor c: Cupcake Flavor: chocolate Fur Type: short Frosting: lavendar Fruit: blueberry Treat: chocolate Sprinkle: chocolate chips Reference Link of Cat: lmk if it doesn't work Cats Name: Silverstreak
Post by strawberrycupid on Feb 9, 2021 0:22:25 GMT -5
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: gidgetgal Your Compliment: okay we don't talk a lot and that's a shame because you're so brilliant and funny. I've loved the few interactions and rps we've had, and Ratstar and Firetooth are iconic and just brimming with life. You've done amazing with Summerclan too, and I can't wait to see where it goes next. Cupcake Flavor: Red Velvet Fur Type: Long Frosting: Blue Moon Fruit: Raspberry Treat: Lollipop Sprinkle: Chocolate Chips Reference Link of Cat: images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8ad60e40-7a88-410c-bfdb-855f725d169e/d2038uq-9fc2f9ec-45fa-4fa1-8c12-2756576f57c9.jpg/v1/fill/w_1032,h_774,q_70,strp/basil_the_one_eyed_cat__2_by_hairykiid_x_d2038uq-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0yNDcyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvOGFkNjBlNDAtN2E4OC00MTBjLWJmZGItODU1ZjcyNWQxNjllXC9kMjAzOHVxLTlmYzJmOWVjLTQ1ZmEtNGZhMS04YzEyLTI3NTY1NzZmNTdjOS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MzI5NiJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.4UHLLLoIX_SIbCJzcq7nvGgldqx_izvug-7p9nDUcKw Cats Name: Ratstar
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: ashestoashes Your Compliment: Thank you for being a part of SpringClan! We haven't had a chance to rp much but I hope we can change that soon! Your cats are very friendly and I love seeing them pop up in big threads <3. Keep on being super! Cupcake Flavor: red velvet Fur Type: long fur Frosting: lavender Fruit: strawberry Treat: lolipop Sprinkle: chocolate chips Reference Link of Cat: pbs.twimg.com/media/EbJ8K42WkAE-gmD.png:small Cats Name: Faithfulfeather
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: Stark Your Compliment: I am always in awe with the things you come up with for MoonClan. You've done an amazing job with it. I love all your layouts, and seeing all the new things you do and come up with for them! I always enjoy my time rping and plotting with you, seeing your ideas come to life in the best ways, and I look forward to all the rps we have and will do. cx Cupcake Flavor: Chocolate Fur Type: Short Frosting: Cotton Candy Fruit: Blueberry Treat: Chocobar Sprinkle: Chocolate chips Reference Link of Cat: lh4.googleusercontent.com/SV5FYnTmE_Yl9aRY8zRIDSoem2rRYpNAzeOaEGic6fPwoMz7FDoz74TE-HU-zbIttYekpnwhHs8PxHAE_ln6fLtpYEdy3S-kOruRZZo23saodXM40D2ogBuIn0NvKk_6n-qbk4v9 Cats Name: Nocturnepaw
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: Atomheart Your Compliment: I just wanted to show my appreciation for someone who’s doing a great job! You’re fun to role play with and have created a full list of characters that bring interest and fun plots to the table. I hope we get to role play some more together and further develop our friendship!! So continue being a fruit loop in a world of Cheerios and don’t forget to smile! Cupcake Flavor: vanilla Fur Type: long Frosting: cotton candy Fruit: cherry Treat: chocolate Sprinkle: pearls Reference Link of Cat: atomsarchives.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/0/8/110867201/windsweptsoul_orig.png Cats Name: Windsweptsoul
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: neverforgotten. Your Compliment: mate you KNOW how much i adore roleplaying with you. we've already spent so much time talking about how much we love soot/raging/dawn and how normally these plots don't work but they're perfect with you and i love that we feel the same way and that we can just talk like that forever. i love plotting and talking with you man, i can't wait for our next thread! Cupcake Flavor: vanilla Fur Type: short Frosting: blue moon Fruit: raspberry Treat: lolipop Sprinkle: pearls Reference Link of Cat: web.archive.org/web/20200714233144im_/https://i.imgur.com/PZD4paz.gif?1 Cats Name: Dawnmemories
Post by Flurryofstars on Feb 9, 2021 15:25:19 GMT -5
Who is the Cupcake Cat for?: Lavellan Your Compliment: There are so many things to say because wow! You’re awesome! You’re an amazing leader and you pour so much love and energy into FallClan. The plots you come up with are wonderful and they really get me pumped. You’re also really fun to rp with and all of your characters are so interesting. I love the bios you write! And your artwork is to die for! I hope you know all of these things already, because it’s 100% true. Also, thank you for being so patient with me, but now I’m gonna strive to be as excellent in Fall as you are! Which is going to be tough because you’re, as I said before, awesome! Cupcake Flavor: Red Velvet Fur Type: Short Frosting: Strawberry Fruit: Strawberry Treat: Chocobar Sprinkle: Hearts Reference Link of Cat: i.imgur.com/MKsq9zE.jpg Cats Name: Hystericstar